Mp3 Download song Portnoy When Gurus Fall FREE Mp3 Download Song Lyrics. Portnoy song lyrics

Portnoy - When Gurus Fall Lyrics

when gurus fall
then usually all
the things they have made and have built fall with them

when gurus fall
they usually call
a treacherous rebellion from outside their empire the reason

when gurus fall
they normally gall
their follower’s feelings and make fun of their obedience

when gurus fall
we usually all
say that we have already known that right from the beginning

and in the end we’re always cleverer than before
we try to regret but we often forget to touch the core
when your coming to terms with your past is a fake
you are often inclined to repeat the same old mistakes

when gurus fall
people often install
committees to find out how it could have come so far

when gurus fall
people are on the ball
to say something clever on matters too high for their brains

and in the end we’re always cleverer than before
we try to regret but we often forget to touch the core
when your coming to terms with your past is a fake
you are often inclined to repeat the same old mistakes

and in the end we’re always cleverer than before
we try to regret but we often forget to touch the core
when your coming to terms with your past is a fake
you are often inclined to repeat the same old mistake

and in the end we’re always cleverer than before
we try to regret but we often forget to touch the core
when your coming to terms with your past is a fake
you are often inclined to repeat the same old mistakes
you are often inclined to repeat the same old mistakes
you are often inclined to repeat the same old mistakes
you are often inclined to repeat the same old mistakes
you are often inclined to repeat the same old mistakes
you are often inclined to repeat the same old mistakes
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